About me

Welcome to my personal webpage. Everything you need to know about me is probably here.

  1. Small presentation
  2. On-going work as a PhD
  3. Before the PhD
  4. For more info

Small presentation

I am currently doing a PhD at Ifremer on the absorption, transport and storage of carbon by the ocean, in the Laboratory of Physic Oceanography and remote Sensing (LOPS). The day-to-day tasks involve data modelling and analysis. Before starting my thesis, I analysed data on the transport of micro-plastics in the oceans (also at the LOPS). Giving meaning to one’s work is essential today.

Do not hesitate to contact me, I would be happy to discuss on vast and varied subjects. I am open to discuss topics such as the energy transition, the low-carbon economy, the power of the ocean on the climate, and many others, more or less related to my initial school training: Water and Environmental Sciences Engineer (ENSEEIHT), Energy Transition, Marine Energies (Centrale Nantes), Ocean, Atmosphere and Climate Sciences (ENM). In my free time, I also rethink the current society (economy, finance, energy) to make it sustainable with the shifters association.

I am now mainly interested in data analysis and the skills of the professions that make it up. My profile is currently more oriented towards computer science, due to my daily missions of my thesis working as a data scientist. Concerning programming languages, I mainly use Python. I also mix data sciences and deep learning (a big fan) in my research work and their applications in the ocean and climate world.

On-going work as a PhD

  • Carbon transport, absorption and storage in the North Atlantic Ocean

PhD training I have attended

  1. OxML Finance Summer School, Oxford University, Oxford - 1 week
  2. ML4Oceans Summer School, La Sorbonne, Paris - 1 week
  3. Fidle, Introduction to deep learning, remote - approximately 40 hours

Before the PhD

  • Internship studying plastic transport in the ocean. If you want to know more about this work you can have a look to these papers: Huck et al, 2022, Bajon et al, 2023.

For more info


My working address is the following one.

Batiment Freyssinet, Ifremer, Centre de Bretagne, Technopole Brest-Iroise
29200, Plouzané


Feel free to send me an email for possible collaborative work or relative questions (under my profile pic for the email), I will respond as soon as I can.